Extension Services (Agricultural Inputs)

Extension Services (Agricultural Inputs)

This article deals with ‘Extension Services (Agricultural Inputs).’ This is part of our series on ‘Economics’ which is an important pillar of the GS-3 syllabus. For more articles, you can click here.

Extension Services are expert services provided to the farmers that can help improve productivity by delivering timely advisory services to farmers to adopt best practices, technology, meet with contingencies, market information etc.

  1. In India, there is 1 Extension worker per 800-1000 farmers.
  2. 60% of farmers don’t get any service from Extension workers, according to the NSSO survey.
  3. Farmers depend on the progressive farmer of their area or marketing agent of some company for advice on the product they should use. But the problem is they will suggest only those products which give maximum profits.
  4. There is no lab to farm connectivity.

Steps taken by the Government for Extension Services

These include

  • mKisan
  • PUSA Krishi App

  • Government can’t send the person to each village, but each village has TVs. Hence, the Government of India started Kisan TV in 2015.

  • PMKSK works under the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers (announced in 2022)
  • The program aims to convert existing Fertilizer shops into Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samridhi Kendra that will act as a “One Stop Shop” for all agriculture-related inputs (like fertilizers, seeds, insecticides, pesticides, etc.) and other agricultural services.

  • Agriculture Graduates set these up to provide paid advice to farmers on various issues. The Agriculture Ministry and NABARD support this scheme.

  • Krishi Vigyan Kendras are set up by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and Agricultural Universities for frontline demonstration of agriculture technologies on the field, updating farmers about modern agriculture technologies and providing advisories to farmers using ICT.

  1. Kisan Call Centre schemes
  2. SMS portal for farmers

  • Under this scheme, the village students are given Agro education.

  • Fairs organized by ICAR to demonstrate new agricultural technologies to farmers.

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